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AdityaLahane-2003's github profile

Hello ! Here is a Full Stack Web App.A responsive Web app where one can order food online, having Admin Panel with access to add & delete menu items!


blindaks's github profile

A simple temperature converter website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website allows users to convert temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.


sahilatahar's github profile

Explore GitHub Page: Showcasing user data via GitHub API integration, alongside an enhanced user interface for a richer browsing experience

Tweet Generator

RaviSolanki27's github profile

Create personalized Twitter post images with custom usernames, user IDs, tweet content, and profile pictures using this Next.js app built with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.

File Zipping Software

neekamhrzn's github profile

Loseless Compression reduces file's size with no loss of quality. This project takes in .txt file as input and produces .huf file which takes less storage space. It also converts .huf file into original .txt file.

To Do List App

Atharvashirsh's github profile

This repository consists of a To-Do List in which the backend is integrated using Php.

Pokemon Card

vivekrawat21's github profile

In this web app you can see the stats of different Pokemons like their abilities and their HP etc.

Weather App

Atharvashirsh's github profile

This is a simple weather application built using Express.js. It allows users to retrieve weather information based on location.


anamika7153's github profile

ProjektHouse is a Web Application for managing final year team data and associated project files. The application enables teams to create an account, log in, and manage their project details and files.

Personal Portfolio

surya-mu's github profile

A person porfolio showcasing my talents and works, also serves a template.